When Venerable Geshe-la opened the first Temple for World Peace at Manjushri Center in 1997, he expressed the wish to develop a modern Buddhist temple in every major city of the world, along with traditional and non-traditional meditation and retreat centers, dedicated to public benefit.
Aligned with Geshe-la’s vision, Odiyana Kadampa Buddhist Center is pleased to announce the launch of its capital campaign, “Vision for Peace”, to fund the purchase of a property that will become the new home for the Center.
By our calculations, if each person who has visited the Center over the years donates just $32.05, we will reach our goal of raising $75,000 by October for the down payment.
Will you be one of the 2340 people needed to reach this goal? Will you help give this gift of peace? It only takes $32.05.
To find out more about the campaign, please enjoy this campaign video:
Support the Campaign
There are many exciting opportunities for everyone to assist with the capital campaign efforts.
Become a monthly sponsor
Smaller monthly contributions add up to a large overall donation in time.
Make a one-time donation
Donations both large and small have a powerful impact.
To set up a one-time or monthly donation via Paypal, please click on the button below. You can also donate in person at the Center or by contacting Christine at admin@odiyana.org | 860.301.6825
Other Ways to Help
• Employer matching donations
• Attend fundraising events
• Host a campaign event for your friends
• Shop Amazon Smile using smile.amazon.com/ch/06-1595170
• Launch a Facebook Fundraiser facebook.com/fundraisers
We should know that learning to cherish others is the best method for establishing world peace in general, and for our own peace of mind in particular. Only by creating peace within our own mind and helping others do the same, can we hope to achieve peace in this world. – Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso