Chanted Prayers Schedule

Held at Odiyana KBC: 450 New London Turnpike, Glastonbury

See calendar for descriptions of each practice.

**Chanted prayer times may change week to week. Always double check our calender for the most up to date schedule.**

  • Wishfulfilling Jewel with Tsog Offering | Sundays 5:00-6:00pm | Fridays 7:00-8:00pm (without offerings)
  • Heart Jewel Prayers with Meditation | Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm
  • Dakini Yoga | Tuesdays 10:30-11:30am | Wednesdays, 5:30 – 6:30pm |  For those with HYT empowerments: contact for more info. 
  • Offering to the Spiritual Guide  | Twice monthly (10th & 25th) – see calendar for times
  • Melodious Drum | Monthly (usually) on the 29th – see calendar for times
  • Precepts| Monthly on the 15th, 7:00 – 7:30am (contact if you are interested in participating)
  • Tara Chanted Prayers | Monthly on the 8th see calendar for times
  • Prayers for the Deceased (Powa) | Check calendar for times.  To add the names of those who have died, click here.

Prayer sessions are held in person at the Center. No cost.


Chanted Prayers

Held in Person – Everyone Welcome!

See calendar for descriptions of each practice.

Group Prayers

Experience the beauty and power of engaging in positive wishes as a group.

Chanted prayers (also known as pujas or chanted meditations) are an important component of training in a spiritual life. They help us to still our mind, connect with the Buddhas, and receive blessings.  Below is the list of the chanted prayers offered at the Center. Please check the online calendar for any schedule changes. All chanted prayers are free of charge. Prayers are recited in English with CD accompaniment. These chanted prayer practices are suitable for everyone. Feel free to drop in to any of these sessions.

If you would like more information before attending, email or call 860-266-6041.