retreats, workshops and events for all levels
Special Events
Odiyana Center offers meditation classes that are open to everyone; you don’t have to be Buddhist or have any special experience or background. The classes resonate with a lot of people because they provide very practical methods for finding peace, happiness and meaning in the midst of busy modern daily life. The classes also give effective ways of helping others and dealing with many of the problems in the world today.

Thursday, February 13, 7:00 – 8:30pm
Valentine’s Day Love Panel & Dessert Party
Thursday, February 13 | 7:00-8:30pm
Enjoy Valentine’s day in a way you never have before – at a Buddhist meditation center! Odiyana Kadampa Buddhist Center is hosting a unique Valentine’s party where you can anonymously ask questions about romance, relationships, love & desire and receive practical advice from a “Buddhist Love Panel”.
What do Buddhist practitioners do when they have relationship problems? How do they deal with difficult relationships? How can we maintain happy, healthy relationships? People say “love hurts” so how can we have love in our lives without the pain?
You can ask our Love Panelists all these questions about love and more during this Valentine’s Day special event.
Afterwards, please join us for a dessert party and social time.
Everybody welcome!
$15 | $7 for Basic Members
Free for Full Members and Benefactors
No one is turned away for lack of funds. Please contact the Administrative Director at admin@odiyana.org if you need to make arrangements.
For more information, contact: info@odiyana.org or 860.266.6041
$15 | $7 for Basic Members
Free for Full Members and Benefactors
No one is turned away for lack of funds. Please contact the Administrative Director at admin@odiyana.org if you need to make arrangements.
For more information, contact: info@odiyana.org or 860.266.6041

Saturday, February 22, 1:00 – 4:00pm
Meditation Basics – Everyone’s Path to Inner Peace
Saturday, February 22nd | 1:00-4:00pm
at Bridge Healing Arts Center, Farmington
with Matthew Stein, Resident Teacher of Odiyana Kadampa Buddhist Center
Learn practical advice about tapping into the powerful potential of our mind through meditation practice.
The purpose of meditation is to make the mind peaceful and calm. If we learn to maintain a peaceful mind all the time, we will be happy all the time. With positive states of mind present, we can relate to ourselves and others in a more skillful and enjoyable manner. Learn to start tapping into the power of your own mind through the practice of meditation.
This workshop will include guided meditations, teachings and time for Q&A. Everyone is welcome
Event Schedule
Session 1: 1:00 – 2:15pm
Break: 2:15-2:45pm
Session 2: 2:45-4pm
The Teacher
Matthew has practiced and taught Kadampa Buddhism and meditation for many years under the guidance of many senior teachers of the New Kadampa Tradition.
Matthew previously lived at the Kadampa World Peace Temple in New York where he engaged in in-depth study and retreat, and recently he completed the Intensive Teacher Training Program at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in Northern England. Matthew teaches from the heart in a clear, warm and relaxed way, that is always practical and relevant to our daily lives.
Everyone is welcome!
Registration is preferred but walk-ins are welcome.
$12 for Basic Members
Free for Full Members and Benefactors
No one is turned away for lack of funds. Please contact the Administrative Director at admin@odiyana.org if you need to make arrangements.
For more information, contact: info@odiyana.org or 860.266.6041
Registration is preferred but walk-ins are welcome.
$12 for Basic Members
Free for Full Members and Benefactors
No one is turned away for lack of funds. Please contact the Administrative Director at admin@odiyana.org if you need to make arrangements.
For more information, contact: info@odiyana.org or 860.266.6041

Saturday, February 15·6:30 – 7:00am
If you are interested in taking part in this practice, please contact Ryan at least 24 hours in advance of that morning: epc@odiyana.org or 860-874-1970. The practice will be held at the Center only if participants rsvp in advance.
No cost.
The essence of the practice is to take eight precepts and to keep them purely for a period of twenty-four hours.
By doing this practice again and again, we acquaint ourself with the practice of moral discipline and thereby make our human life meaningful.
FOR MORE INFO. go to the following link:
If you are interested in taking part in this practice, please contact Ryan at least 24 hours in advance of that morning: epc@odiyana.org or 860-874-1970. The practice will be held at the Center only if participants rsvp in advance.
The essence of the practice is to take eight precepts and to keep them purely for a period of twenty-four hours.
By doing this practice again and again, we acquaint ourself with the practice of moral discipline and thereby make our human life meaningful.
FOR MORE INFO. go to the following link:

held on the 10th and 25th of each month
No registration is necessary to join these prayer sessions.
Weekly Classes
Looking for weekly classes? Click here to visit the classes page.
listen now
Looking for more dharma? Enjoy brief teachings with Kadampa teachers from around the world.
no one turned away
No one will be turned away from a class for lack of funds. Please contact Rob at admin@odiyana.org to make arrangements.