Sunday, Dec. 13 | Guided Retreat Session 1

3:00-4:00 pm

Sunday, Dec 13 | Guided Retreat Session 2

5:00-6:00 pm

[Behind the Scenes] Preparing for the Blessing Empowerment of Great Mother Prajnaparamita

Leading up to any empowerment is the joyful process of preparing the space, the empowerment table and the tormas; each of these requiring special care and faith throughout the process. Click here to see some of the Empowerment preparations at the Center this past week!

Saturday, Dec. 12 | The Blessing Empowerment

10:00 am – noon

Saturday, Dec 12 | Commentary & Meditation

Up Next – 1:30-4:30 pm

Each session will be streamed live at the times listed above.  Click on each one to view.  They will all remain live for 48-hours for those not viewing live.  Please contact 860.266.6041 with any issues.