4-Class Series
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Normally, when things go our way, we feel happy. If they don’t go our way, we often become irritated or depressed. During this holiday season, we may find ourselves experiencing grief or disappointment in not being able to engage in the activities and traditional gatherings that we’re used to. Sometimes those states of mind can linger and we become despondent or depressed.
In reality, external circumstances are changing all the time without our ability to control them. Since this is the case, we need to find a way to experience happiness and contentment from within, without having to rely on things going the way we think they should.
Everyone is welcome to these classes. Beginners and advanced practitioners are welcome.
$35 for full series | Free for Supporting members.
topics may include
Class 1: Approaching Change with Wisdom
Class 2: What to do with the rollercoaster mind
Class 3: Transforming difficulties into inner Growth
Class 4: Finding Peace in Cherishing Others