Streamed online each Wednesday | 7:00 – 8:15pm
Classes will be available until the end of January
Anyone can learn to meditate with clear instructions and a wish to improve their state of mind. Countless studies show the importance of meditation in solving our mental and physical problems and finding a peaceful, happy, and meaningful life.
In this series, you will learn how to meditate (or improve your meditation) and gain the confidence to start (or continue) a fulfilling life-long meditation practice that will serve to benefit you in daily life.
In each class, we will learn some basic techniques and how to begin and maintain a meditation practice. It will also include an explanation of some aspect of Buddha’s teaching to help us stay positive throughout the day. You are welcome to drop in to any class.
$12 per class | Free for Supporting members.
Topics may include:
- Jan. 6 – Know your Potential for Inner Peace
- Jan. 13 – How your Thoughts create your World
- Jan. 20 – Recognizing the Inner Enemy
- Jan. 27 – Enjoying the Peace of Concentration