Letting Go of Limitations: Introduction to Tantra

with Gen Khyenwang

Saturday, September 21
10am – 1pm

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Everyone has an incredible potential to experience the world in a positive, creative and peaceful way. Because of familiarity and habitual ways of thinking and reacting, we can often stay “stuck” in well-worn grooves of negative or limited mental habits. Because everything we create begins in the mind, if we learn to transform our mind, we can transform our world around us.
In this class, we will learn how to use positive imagination and wisdom to bring about powerful changes to our mind and the world around us. In this way, we can begin to relate to a purer, more realistic view of ourselves.

$25 preregistered | $30 at the door
$15 preregistered | $20 at the door | Full Members
Free for Benefactor members

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For more information, contact info@odiyana.org or 860.266.6041.