Saturday, December 12

with guided retreat on Dec. 13

The Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Prajnaparamita

Finding Meaning & Peace Through Wisdom

On Saturday, Resident Teacher, Gen Khyenwang, will give the blessing empowerment of Great Mother Prajnaparamita, a special transmission of inspiration and insight from this enlightened spiritual guide. By awakening our limitless potential, we can discover profound meaning and deep peace in our life through developing special wisdom motivated by compassion.

What is an empowerment?

An empowerment is a beautiful guided meditation through which we receive the enlightened wisdom of a Buddha and begin to actualize our own limitless potential.

Who is Great Mother Prajnaparamita?

Buddha Prajnaparamita is a manifestation of the Perfection of Wisdom. The word “prajna” means wisdom and “paramita” means perfection. She is called “The Great Mother” because all Buddhas are born from this wisdom which is associated with deep compassion for all living beings.

Everyone is welcome to this very special event.

Questions? Reach out to Ryan @

Those outside the local area who would normally travel to Odiyana KBC for a special event are welcome to attend.


$50 whole weekend | $25 full members | Free for Benefactor Members   Membership info

No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please contact Melissa at or 860.883.5675 if you need to make payment arrangements.

Empowerment Schedule

9:30-10:00am  |  Livestream Registration
10:00am-12:00pm  |  Empowerment
1:30-3:00pm  |  Commentary to the Practice
3:30-4:30pm  |  Guided Meditation

Thought all are encouraged to attend real-time, the stream links will be accessible for 48 hours following for those who need.

Sunday Retreat

Enjoy guided sessions on this special practice.  Attend one or both!

Session 1:  3-4pm
Session 2:  5-6pm

Register here for the retreat only.

$8 per session | Members free

With Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Khyenwang

Gen Khyenwang is Resident Teacher of Odiyana Kadampa Buddhist Center. She is a close disciple and student of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and has been practicing and teaching under his guidance for many years. The teachings she shares are clear, heartfelt and extremely practical for modern life.

*Note: Please do not record classes or share the livestream link with others. For more information, email or call 860-266-6041.