The Power of a Peaceful Mind: Public Talk at East Longmeadow Library

With Buddhist Teacher Gen Khyenwang
Saturday, Feb. 15 | 11:00am–12:30pm

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In this free public talk being held at East Longmeadow (MA) Public Library, learn practical advice about the potential of our mind for developing inner peace and positive qualities.

When our mind is calm, clear and peaceful, we are content. When our mind is at all agitated, worried or irritated, we are not happy. The purpose of meditation is to make the mind peaceful and calm. If we learn to maintain a peaceful mind all the time, we will be happy all the time. With positive states of mind present, we can relate to ourselves, others and daily situations in a more skillful and enjoyable manner. Learn to tap into the power of your own mind through the practice of meditation.

No cost. For more information call 860.266.6041 or email 

East Longmeadow Public Library, 60 Center SquareEast Longmeadow, MA 01028