Letting Go with Wisdom: A Day Retreat
With Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Khyenwang
Saturday, March 16 | 10am – 2:30pm
About the Course:
Burdened by negative emotions from the past can feel like a heavy weight that we carry with us throughout our lives. Even though we wish to forgive and forget, we often have difficulty in letting go. By looking at the nature of our mind and exploring Buddha’s teachings on impermanence, we can learn to truly forgive others, forgive ourselves and experience the freedom that we wish for.
This retreat will include guided meditations, practical advice, time for discussion and questions. Everyone is welcome.
About the Teacher:
Gen Khyenwang is an inspiring example of a contemporary Buddhist practitioner and is known for her warmth and sincerity, putting time-tested teachings into practice in daily life. She has been practicing and teaching Buddhist meditation for many years under the guidance of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, the founder of the New Kadampa Tradition. The teachings she shares are clear, heartfelt and extremely practical for modern life.
Retreat Schedule:
Session: 10 -11:15am
Break: 11:15-11:45am
Session: 11:45am – 1pm
Break: 1 – 1:30pm
Session: 1:30 – 2:30pm
$45 | Free for Full members and Benefactors
Light lunch included
For more info: info@odiyana.org | 860.266.6041